Arroz Con Chile Rellenos combines the vibrant flavors of traditional Mexican chiles rellenos with aromatic, tomato-infused rice. Roasted jalapeños stuffed with mozzarella cheese add a delightful kick to the dish, complemented by the savory blend of garlic, onion, and Knorr chicken bouillon in the rice.

This recipe balances the heat of the chiles with the comforting richness of melted cheese, creating a satisfying and flavorful meal.

Perfect for those who enjoy a touch of spice and a hearty, rice-based dish, Arroz Con Chile Rellenos offers a delicious twist on classic Mexican flavors that’s sure to please any dinner table.

How to make Arroz Con Chile Rellenos

6 jalapenos

mozzarella cheese

1 1/2 cups long grain white rice

3 tbsp neutral oil

1/4 onion diced

1 garlic clove crushed

1 tbsp Knorr chicken bouillon

1/2 tsp garlic powder

2 roma tomatoes (makes 8 oz tomato juice)

2 cups hot water

1/4 tsp salt or to taste

3 sprigs cilantro


Chile Rellenos

Well, we start after washing the chiles, we put them to roast on the comal, turning them, until they turn a little brown…

After they are roasted, we put them in a plastic bag and wrap them in a cloth for about 15 minutes!!

After that time, you take them out, and clean them by removing the “little skin”, open them and take out the veins, the stuffed ones with cheese…

And you put them to cook with the rice

Arroz Con Chile

Over medium heat, add the oil to a heavy-bottomed or good quality non-stick pan, then fry the onions and garlic

When the onions and garlic have lightly browned, remove the garlic and set it aside.

Add long grain white rice to the pot and toast the rice in the oil, moving it constantly for about 5 minutes or until it becomes slightly puffy and golden brown.

Add the Knorr chicken bouillon and garlic powder, the mix and continue toasting for another minute.

Blend together the roma tomatoes and fried garlic clove. You should have about 8 oz (1 cup) of tomato sauce.

Add it to the rice, stirring constantly for 30 seconds. The color should change to warm reddish orange color. At this point, watch the heat to make sure the bottom is not burning. Adjust the heat if you need to.

Add the HOT water to the rice. It has to be hot- if the liquid isn’t bubbling on the sides of the pot, your water is not hot enough. Stir in salt to taste at this point if you’re adding. I recommend about 1/4 tsp.

Add the cilantro and chile rellenos on top, continue boiling over medium-low heat until some of the water has evaporated. Then turn the heat to the low and cover for 20 minutes. Do NOT lift the lid!

After 20 minutes, turn off the heat and fluff the rice with a fork. There will be a thin layer of tomato sauce at the top- that is what we want. Just gently fluff & mix it into the rice to distribute evenly.

At this point, the rice is ready if you don’t like overly soft rice. This is good for me, but if you want it more soft & fluffy, cover for another 10 minutes (no heat).


Choosing Jalapeños: Select jalapeños that are firm and fresh for roasting. Look for ones with smooth, unwrinkled skins.

Roasting Jalapeños: Ensure the jalapeños are evenly roasted until the skins blister and slightly char. This process not only enhances flavor but also makes them easier to peel.

Steaming Jalapeños: After roasting, steaming the jalapeños in a sealed bag helps to loosen the skins, making them easier to peel without damaging the flesh.

Handling Jalapeños: Use gloves when handling jalapeños, especially after roasting and removing seeds, to avoid irritation from capsaicin (the compound that gives them heat).

Preparing the Rice: Toasting the rice in oil before adding liquid enhances its nutty flavor and helps each grain remain separate and fluffy once cooked.

Tomato Sauce Consistency: Blend the tomatoes thoroughly with the fried garlic clove to ensure a smooth tomato sauce. This sauce adds color and flavor to the rice.

Hot Water: Use hot water when adding to the rice mixture to maintain the cooking temperature and ensure even cooking throughout.

Simmering: Once all ingredients are combined in the pot, bring to a boil over medium-low heat. Allow the mixture to simmer gently without stirring to prevent rice from becoming sticky.

Cooking Time: Resist the urge to lift the lid while the rice is cooking to avoid disrupting the steam and heat, which are crucial for evenly cooked, fluffy rice.

Fluffing the Rice: After cooking, fluff the rice gently with a fork to distribute any remaining tomato sauce evenly. This helps to ensure each grain absorbs the flavors uniformly.

Adjust Seasoning: Taste the rice before serving and adjust salt and pepper as needed to suit your preference.

Garnish and Presentation: Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves before serving to add a burst of color and freshness. Serve hot alongside additional mozzarella cheese if desired.

Nutrition Information:

Yields: 6 | Serving Size: 1

Calories: 384 kcal | Total Fat: 13.1 g | Saturated Fat: 3.5 g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1.9 g | Monounsaturated Fat: 7 g | Cholesterol: 11.2 mg | Sodium: 441 mg | Potassium: 324 mg | Total Carbohydrates: 55.9 g | Dietary Fiber: 2.7 g | Sugars: 1.9 g | Protein: 9.7 g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use other types of peppers instead of jalapeños?

Yes, you can substitute jalapeños with other mild to moderately spicy peppers like Anaheim peppers or poblano peppers depending on your heat preference.

How can I adjust the spiciness of the dish?

To reduce the heat, you can deseed and devein the jalapeños before roasting them.

Alternatively, using fewer jalapeños or milder peppers will also lower the spiciness.

Can I use brown rice instead of white rice?

Yes, you can use brown rice, but note that it will require a longer cooking time and more liquid compared to white rice.

Is there a substitute for Knorr chicken bouillon?

You can use homemade or store-bought chicken or vegetable broth as a substitute.

Adjust the salt accordingly if using broth instead of bouillon.

What type of mozzarella cheese should I use?

Use regular mozzarella cheese, preferably low-moisture, which melts well and adds creaminess to the dish.

Can I prepare the chile rellenos ahead of time?

Yes, you can roast and prep the jalapeños ahead of time, even stuffing them with cheese. Store them in the refrigerator until ready to cook with the rice.

How do I know when the rice is done cooking?

After the 20 minutes of covered simmering, check the rice for tenderness.

It should be fluffy and cooked through.

If it’s still slightly firm, cover and cook for an additional 5-10 minutes off the heat.

What can I serve with Arroz Con Chile Rellenos?

It pairs well with grilled or roasted meats such as chicken or beef, as well as with a fresh salad or steamed vegetables.

Can I freeze leftovers of Arroz Con Chile Rellenos?

Yes, you can freeze the leftovers in an airtight container for up to 1-2 months.

Thaw in the refrigerator overnight and reheat on the stove with a splash of water or broth to refresh.

How can I make this dish vegetarian?

Omit the chicken bouillon and use vegetable broth instead.

Ensure your cheese is vegetarian-friendly, and you have a hearty vegetarian dish.

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