Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza Weight War’s: A Homemade Twist on a Fast-Food Favorite


Bring the flavors of Taco Bell into your home with our Weight War’s-friendly version of Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza. This homemade twist captures the essence of the beloved fast-food favorite while keeping your wellness goals in check. Savor the crunchy layers, savory meat, and zesty toppings in a guilt-free package.

Smart Ingredient Choices

Crafted with a mindful touch, our Weight War’s Mexican Pizza features smart ingredient choices to reduce points without sacrificing taste. Utilize lean ground turkey or chicken, whole wheat tortillas, fat-free refried beans, and reduced-fat cheese to maintain the deliciousness with fewer points.

Lean Ground Turkey or Chicken

Choose lean ground turkey or chicken as a healthier protein option for your Mexican Pizza. This choice ensures a satisfying and flavorful base while aligning with the health-conscious approach of Weight War’s.

Whole Wheat Tortillas

Opt for whole wheat tortillas to add a nutty flavor and extra fiber to your Mexican Pizza. This choice contributes to the overall heartiness of the dish while keeping the points in check.

Fat-Free Refried Beans

Incorporate fat-free refried beans to add creaminess and substance without additional points. These beans bring the classic texture to your Mexican Pizza while supporting your commitment to smart eating.

Reduced-Fat Cheese

Use reduced-fat cheese to maintain the cheesy goodness without excessive points. This choice allows you to enjoy the richness of cheese while staying mindful of your wellness journey.

Layering Brilliance

Assemble your Mexican Pizza with layers of tortillas, beans, seasoned meat, and cheese. The layering technique ensures a satisfying and well-balanced bite in each portion.

Baking Brilliance

Bake your Mexican Pizza to perfection, allowing the layers to meld together and the cheese to melt. The baking process ensures a crunchy exterior and a warm, gooey interior, replicating the delightful experience of the Taco Bell original.

Smart Portion Control

Serve your Weight War’s Mexican Pizza in reasonable portions to practice smart portion control. This approach allows you to enjoy the fast-food nostalgia without exceeding your daily SmartPoints.

Toppings and Garnishes

Top your Mexican Pizza with fresh and flavorful toppings such as diced tomatoes, green onions, and a dollop of fat-free Greek yogurt or salsa for added zing. These garnishes enhance the visual appeal and taste of your homemade creation.

Conclusion: Fast-Food Flavor at Home

In conclusion, Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza Weight War’s edition offers a homemade twist on a fast-food favorite within the points framework. With smart ingredient choices, layering brilliance, and a commitment to smart points, this recipe invites you to savor the flavors of Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza without compromising your wellness journey. Make it a regular feature in your meal repertoire, celebrating the satisfaction that comes with a homemade Mexican Pizza—a perfect blend of nostalgia and health-consciousness.

My version of Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza. Got the idea from a friend and it was delicious and only 4 points for an entire 8 inch pizza!

Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza

-Ole Xtreme wellness tortilla wrap-1 point
-Fat free refried beans- as much as you want for 0 points
-Rotel- 0 points
-Kraft Mozzarella low moisture/part skim reduced fat cheese-1/4 cup 3 points (worth it
-Green onions- 0 points
-Taco bell Medium sauce- 2 tablespoons 0 point

Assembled and Cooked in my toaster oven until cheese was melted and golden! Highly recommend… Wrap found at walmart!

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